You will find here the information about our 9.3 releases.
Version 9.3.14 - 2020/09/08
Important: this is the last version supporting windows 7
- Duplex mode is now forced on BlackMagic DeckLink 8K
- Trying to improve composition switching by keeping elements shared between live composition and the composition going live
- Improved speaker performances when: adding, updating, deleting and drag and dropping rows.
- Fixed a hardware preset being re-used when editing a preset and changing the active camera thus being able to erase another, currently used, preset number
- Added ticker "roll" mode
- Fixed removing a hybrid element from a multi-element camera configuration not restoring capabilities handled by the removed device
- Fixed audio issues due to setting the volume very close to 0 but not 0
- Fixed mCam2 implementation to really offer the full 255 hardware presets
- Fixed a crash that could happen when using an external audio source in a room using a VideoHub
- Fixed a crash that could happen when trying to send an error report
- Fixed titler element that could misbehave in some very specific situations triggered by using titling automation and manually using scenes in assist
- Fixed possibility to remove the wrong item from the automatic playlist in some extremely rare cases
- Fixed retrieval of a Bosch DCN NG units when there are a lot of them
- Fixed inability to connect to Bosch DCN NG in Conf wizard
- Fixed "warning" icons being visible on cameras while in the wizard for a new configuration
- Fixed a crash that could happen when resetting a configuration due to hardware presets not being restored
- Fixed being able to use a studio preset in radio when removing a preset that was created by using this option, but after the studio preset sharing option have been toggled off
- Fixed handling of non-contiguous microphones that could happen after tweaking the configuration
- Fixed a few errors that could happen when trying to simulatenously connect and disconnect from a console (this happens when entering/leaving settings too fast or switching too fast between auto and manual mode)
- Fixed broken AI/Video mixer synchronization when forcing a camera manually while in a composition with a specific camera set, and switching to another composition using the PGM
- Restored ability to go live on a Facebook stream
- Fixed UI not being refreshed after creating a new post for a Facebook stream
- Fixed loss of speakers' selection between two executions
- Fixed concurrent access to customization file which could result in loss of a recent change
- Fixed infinite spinner on UPDATE ALL button when taking an empty scene
- Fixed a media showing a duration of 0 after being added
- Fixed ability to remove a live item using mass deletion
- Fixed media's in/out point being reset after restarting Multicam
- Fixed a crash due to duplicating a scene set where one of the scene had its snapshot deleted
- Fixed inability to specify a color or special background in Titler and Composer windows
- Fixed default Ticker's line width to 90%
- Fixed badly formatted ticker element resulting in unexpected behavior
Version 9.3.13 - 2020/08/24
Important: this is probably the last version supporting windows 7
- Added Sony SRG-X400 camera support
- When switching from a scenes set to another, the Titler set and Composer set will be auto loaded if the given scene set only reference a unique file for each
- Lost video sources are now detected and ignored by the AI
- Added a "warning" icon beside an unusable camera (video source or control communication lost) on the studio chart
- Replaced the "Pause when scene untaken" option by a "Select next media when scene untaken". Note: this uses exactly the same button as the previous mode
- Added the "Record about to start" event to SignalR API
- Added an API to start/stop all configured AUX recs
- Fixed an error blocking transcoding of video files on machines using a Nvidia K620 GPU
- Fixed a crash if starting Multicam on a computer without an Nvidia GPU and with AUX recs configured
- Fixed media editor SET IN/SET OUT button not respecting the one second minimum duration constraint. They now do nothing if clicked with an invalid duration
- Fixed composition with a background color not applying the color
- Fixed typo error in the UI to create a new stream: PLATEFORM instead of PLATFORM
- Fixed network video sources being always tagged as "alive"
- Fixed crash when switching rapidly between Auto and Man when using a DHD console
- Fixed tilt button in reframe mode not stopping the tilt movement when released
- Fixed potentially incorrect medialist previous/next buttons when changing a scene set
- Fixed a scene being tagged as live when after having switched from another scene set where a scene with the same name was live
- Fixed loss of memorized selected media
Version 9.3.12 - 2020/08/10
- Removed deprecated “Quick sync” option
- Renamed ISO Rec audio option “From Mixer” to “PGM Audio”
- Added a checkbox to share MulticamLibrary and ProgramData\Multicam folders
Studio, Assist
- Medialist: enforced a minimum duration of one second while editing a media’s in/out points
- Fixed hybrid configuration summary not being updated after being edited
- Fixed BMD driver check to only check for DeckLink capture cards (to solve potential issue when using other BMD drivers which would have a lower version than our required one)
- Renaming one of those files will now be reflected in Studio/Radio (instead of always displaying the old name until the module is restarted)
- Fixed an extremely rare crash when constructing a media path while spamming automation switches on the playout
- Fixed crash when selecting Is Empty / Is Not Empty trigger types
- Fixed loss of customization when the active TitlerFile is changed on the Multicam
Version 9.3.11 - 2020/07/27
- Updated Facebook API to v7
- Implemented a “clone file” action
- Added a “help” button displaying available variables for custom strings in Titler (Music source used in the “Pattern” mode) and Composer (in a Medialist set as an external data source working from the “Program source”)
- Added “is empty” and “is not empty” automation trigger types
- Renamed the “!” trigger type to “changed” for improved clarity
- Media played from automation will now be restarted from their IN point instead of simply playing from the last point they were stopped (if interrupted during their timeline)
- Fixed duplicated elements’ identifiers when cloning an element
- Fixed a rare crash resulting from a corrupted medialist declared in a composition
- Fixed rare crash when closing InSitu
Version 9.3.10 - 2020/07/13
- Installing this and all future versions will request to first manually uninstall any version that is older than 9.3.9 (release 2 weeks ago)
- Save toaster is no longer displayed when the user is on the live page
- Fixed GPU encoding slot not being released when trying to recording a non-existing source
- Fixed a crash that could happen when deleting a preset bank
- Fixed last scene set used not being remembered when it's loaded through the API
- Fixed missing AUX REC button missing on the PC INPUT when it is displayed in a tab
- Fixed error when trying to display a composition which have a video background set to a file that no longer exists
- Fixed a crash that could happen in embedded Assist when simultaneously closing radio and changing the current scene set
Version 9.3.9 - 2020/06/29
- Added SDI output for medialist
- Added option to perform ISO recording using the source as is or without audio (this improves performance a bit)
- Accessing the documentation will now open a web page pointing to our latest documentation.
- Split our installers in 2 parts: our dependencies and only our binaries. This clears the path to provide smaller incremental installs (in the realms of 10-15 MB instead of the ~1GB) for future updates
- Added ability to remove the default preset bank (by clicking on the star). This will enable Radio/Conf to restore the last preset bank used instead of the default one.
- Audio media will now have a music icon in the Medialist instead of an empty gray square
- Fixed CPU encoding decimating the expected bitrate down to about 1.5Mbps
- Fixed sources’ conversions (eg. a 50i to 50p one) no longer being converted when opening and then closing Titler, Composer or the Scene Editor. This could result in sped-upvideo
- Fixed ISO recording not being restartable after an error
- Fixed potential silent error when an ISO rec is manually stopped when it was started synchronously with the standard recording
- Fixed presets from all cameras being invalidated when one camera is missing; this now correctly invalidates only the presets belonging to the missing camera(s)
Version 9.3.8 - 2020/06/15
- Added a more visible prompt to invite user to create more scenes when there are less than 2 scenes in the current scenes file
- When there is a unique scene in the selected scenes file, it will be automatically set live
- Updated prompts in auto-titling pane to better reflect why no speaker is displayed
- The following CONF consoles now show microphones’ activation state when in the wizard:
- Bosch DCN NG
- Bosch Dicentis
- Bosch CCS1000D
- BeyerDynamic Quinta
- Disabled microphones no longer need presets to exists and are ignored from correctness checks
- Removed the string version of the SignalR notification OnLiveSourceChanged
- Fixed a crash that could happen when an Epiphan input triggers too many resolution changes in burst
- Fixed a rare silent error that could happen due to a record failing to start.
- Fixed silent (with no negative effect) error when spamming the stop record command (could happen through GPI activation)
- Fixed handling of RSS items lacking the “guid” element resulting in items not cycling
- Fixed crash when using the camera control’s authentication popin then switching to another camera type
- Fixed stuck UI that could result from Streaming profiles with error. It should no longer be possible to exit the streaming settings with an error still declared
- Fixed crash that could happen when clicking on an invalid input format line (would appear as an empty line with a smaller checkbox than the other ones)
- Fixed bugged display when no scenes files are available. It now shows the proper message instead of trying to display 2 errors at once.
- Fixed lost selection of tilter, composer and scenes items when switching tabs
Version 9.3.7 - 2020/06/02
- Now displays the number of rooms allowed by the license in the license UI
- Added an option to pause the current media played when changing to another scene (can be enabled through Assist’ settings)
- Record UI is now more compact in header
- Fixed black frames being visible when switching from a pure input source (eg. CAM1) to a composition which uses a background
- Fixed audio mapping being potentially incorrect when taking audio from multiple camera inputs
- Fixed stream start failure not freeing an allocated GPU encoder slot, thus making it impossible to record or stream after enough restarts (2 on our baseline configs)
- Trying to fix unreproducible crash at the end of a record with an auto-copy on a supposed network drive
- Fixed touch input sometimes not registering as clicks
- Fixed NDI audio source being unnamed in the audio mapper
- Fixed logs flooding when a joystick is unplugged
- Fixed listing of an “Unknown” module in the license page (had no negative effect)
- Fixed clean-up order of two audio/mixer related modules (had no negative effect)
- Fixed cloning a data-bound element replacing the original one regarding data handling
- Fixed a crash due a bad time format used when trying to display the throttling error message
- Fixed incorrect parsing of some Bosch DCN NG network messages
- Clicking on the “stream” button in the header now ignores “Facebook” type streams (only the ones using the Facebook API; those using rtmp are fine!)
- Fixed silent error happening in the Taiden communication code when switching CONF from AUTO to MAN (had no negative effect)
- Fixed rare silent error happening when a preset is set live while Radio is being closed or switched to the settings (had no negative effect)
- Fixed rare silent error happening when the auto-framer completes while radio is being closed or switched to the settings (had no negative effect)
- Fixed newly introduced v2 Medialist and Streaming controllers missing
- Improved remote Assist robustness when a Titler file is changed from the Multicam (could result in incorrect data being displayed in Assist)
- Previews should no longer raise an error message when a VideoHub is used
Version 9.3.6 - 2020/05/18
- Removed experimental Canon and Bradley support
- Added new V2 controller for Medialist (which Assist remote now uses)
- SocialMedia titling can now receive full images instead of URIs when connected to upcoming Reflex Broadcast Control release
- Fixed a memory leak when displaying tracker’s images
- Fixed a crash that happened when trying to set a source fullscreen when the source doesn’t exists (eg. a VGA source when there is no PC INPUT element declared in the room)
- Fixed an error that made the VGA source display only once when it was displayed in the tabs
- Fixed a bug in the embedded AudioDetector when trying to display levels in configuration resulting in levels not being displayed in certain cases
- Fixed YouTube logos to be guideline-compliant
Version 9.3.5 - 2020/05/04
- Integrated AudioDetector to Radio/Conf for ease of use and multi-room compatibility (configuration cannot be retrieved from the external detector though; please keep this in mind)
- Fixed GPU encoding failing on the K620 (was in 9.3.4 hotfix)
- Fixed decoding of WMV files (this will fix the “test streaming” button which failed to loop after having looped once)
- Fixed an (inconsequential) error that happened when a preset was set live by the AI while Radio was being put in manual mode
- Fixed an (inconsequential) error that happened when the auto-tiling was set visible or hidden by the AI while Radio was being put in manual mode
- Fixed a crash that could happen if you moved up or down a media in Studio while Assist was loaded with no scenes having any medialist.
- Fixed a crash that happened when editing a speaker (or panel) row while the speaker (or panel) entries were filtered
Version 9.3.4 - 2020/04/20
- Updated Medialooks to
- Added notification when a “social media” post has been received to be displayed in Titler.
- Prevent a crash when trying to preview an uncompressed “tga” image
- Fixed a rare crash when a microphone was activated while closing Radio
- Prevent a crash when a preset could not be saved
- Fixed preset recall errors being ignored since 9.3 (due to the communication with the camera being impossible). They are again correctly removed from automation.
- Fixed audio missing from an NDI input used as a PC Input
- Fixed missing snapshots for PiP presets
- Fixed composition used by InSitu not being updated to the latest version thus making it impossible to start InSitu
Version 9.3.3 - 2020/04/06
- Added streaming control when running in remote mode (note: Facebook-type streams are NOT supported, please use rtmps if you need it in Assist)
- Display the media's path as a tooltip when the mouse is over it
- Auto-titling OUT animation is now ignored when the automation switches to another active speaker
- Added Bosch CCS1000 support for CONF
- Mixer background remains the one from the last composition taken when switching back to a full source
- Fixed a crash that may be caused by auto-titling grid being reset while closing RADIO
- ATUC: fixed incorrect gtalk messages decoding on ATUC-50 with firmware > 1.6
- Fixed audible sound when opening a media in the in/out editor
- Fixed impossibility to input text in Titler live tab
- Fixed a crash occurring when trying to delete a titler element which name includes a { or }
Version 9.3.2 - 2020/03/09
- Added support of H.265 GPU powered encoding for recording and Publisher (NVIDIA Quadro P600 and above, not available with Quadro K620).
- Only first two channels of video files are now played in Medialist.
- Auto-Titling features now resets timers when starting a recording or a streaming. It can also be reset via our API and via triggers.
- Authorization on API has been extended with a “OR” option (meaning that whitelisted IPs don't need an account, while unauthorized IPs can still log in to use the server).
- Fixed a rare crash that may occur when switching fast to a Composition with a PGM then to a source: Composition may be discarded.
- Fixed initial state of audio VU-METER.
- In/Out slider for Medialist elements was not reactive to Touch screen.
- Protect against a crash occurring when enabling image overlay to a stream.
- Fixed a bug that may occur when restarting a video source: chosen configuration may not be applied
- Fixed wrong preset overwrite in case of Re-Framing when using Presets Bank.
- Better refresh of variables received from Program to avoid some situation when a new evaluation is done, erasing previous one.
- Fixed a crash that may occur on Radio shutdown if connection to console was lost.
- Fixed Auto-titling wrongly hiding a speaker if minimum delay before take is set to 0.
- Protect against crash that may occur when Auto-titling.
- Fixed a crash that may occur when shutting down Radio.
- Fixed a crash that may occur when changing active scene.
- Fixed a crash that may occur in Assist if no Medialist exists.
- Fixed wrong generation of Titler view leading to a crash when Titler element contains DataLink.
- Prevent double-click on Image importer refresh to block crash.
- Scene file selection via API was not saved. That could lead to have wrong Scene file selected at startup.
- Fixed a crash that may occur when creating a new Scene link on a newly created Scene file.
- Stop Twitter connection when not previewing data in Titler.
- Fixed internal object IDs that could lead to wrong element edition.
Version 9.3.1 - 2020/02/21
- Added Auto-framing for Multicam mCam II camera
- Added support of AudioMixer profiles
- Added option to smooth Pan/Tilt/Zoom operations on Joystick controller
- Reworked live panes
- Added Scenes selection
- New RE-FRAME mode to be able to reframe a preset with dedicated preview without acting on PGM
- Better display of name associated to microphones in Speaker view
- Better display of Netia configuration
- Added ability to add an offset to triggers.
- Added Scenes support.
- Better handling of Bosch DCN NextGeneration console
- Can now uses PC Input
- Managing data in Assist is now easier than ever, with new multi-delete and clone features
- Optimization of Titler: no more frame loss when taking item in or out with animations
- Added support to long Twitter messages
- Only one social media can be declared in a Titler File
- Can now rename a Streaming LiveSet
- Space bar in Editor may trigger IN/Out edition in addition to Play/Pause action
- Cannot modify or delete an Edit when name of edit is too long
- Cannot publish Excerpts
- Added check of source video file existence before editing or publishing
- Fixed crashes in Auto-Titling mode
- Cannot declare more than 1 Twitter group in a Titler File
- Exceptions messages in Twitter were not human readable
- Some characters were not properly decoded in Twitter messages
- File Selection was not preserved after an edit
- Incorrect live state of Titler elements
- Loss of Ember+ mappings when trying to reconnect to console
- Loss of user selection at startup
- Fatal crash that may occur when trying to add files to Medialist
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