This article will give you the information in order to activate and setup the connection with ASSIST.
There are two modes of ASSIST app: Second screen mode and Remote mode.
Second screen mode activation
First, you need to open the main settings of the system. Click on the gear in the right bottom corner and enter your password.
Go to the SYSTEMS and choose MISC tab.
Log out from the Settings and launch RADIO/STUDIO/CONF. ASSIST interface will appear automatically. Use Windows key + SHIFT + Left/Right to move ASSIST to right or left screen.
Remote mode activation
First, you need to open the main settings of the system. Click on the gear in the right bottom corner and enter your password.
Go to the SYSTEMS and choose API tab.
In WEB API in SERVER CONFIGURATION area enable server and cross-origin requests. Also, choose the authentication method: USER ACCOUNTS / MACHIN ADDRESS.
Note: Please use only one authentification method.
Create a new user in API USER ACCOUNTS area if you use User account authentification.
Or add the IP address of the machine with ASSIST app.
Note: If you change the Authentification method you should restart the MultiCam app.
Click on the ASSIST API button and enable server.
Save changes and restart MultiCam app.
Open ASSIST app and click on the gear in the right up corner (or configuration window will open automatically).
Add IP address of the MultiCam unit and WebAPI port
Note: Port should be the same as in the Server configuration of the MultiCam unit.
If you are using User account authentication method, enter User name and Key.
Once you press OK, you should see the green antenna and status “Connected”
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