Launch the DHD soft toolbox
By default it is empty.
2 choices:
• Look for an existing config * .ddp with the latest config
• Load the current config directly from the console by clicking on the "Load from device" icon
Once the config is loaded, unfold the tree on the left To recover a microphone modulation in order to operate the automation of the multicam radio it is necessary to create a logic DHD (Logic Function) which makes an ET between the level detect and the fader start
1 - Create the level detection by micro
Choose Logic systems, then level detection
Click "add" then choose the source by clicking on select. Choose the microphone to associate. In this case mic1 for level detect 1
Add as much level detect as microphones by clicking on "add" and selecting the right source microphone.
2 - Create the logic function by micro
Once the level detect created must add logic function for each microphone. The logic function is to make a combination of level detect and fader start.
Click on logic function.
A pop-up window opens to choose the level detect (created previously) associated with the targeted microphone. You can add via drag and drop or by clicking on assign by checking that it is ticked in ON (bottom left of the window)
After adding the fader start in "fader start Channel" corresponding to the target mic by checking what is in ON (bottom left of the window).
At the end save the project push the config in the console.
The levels detected being pre-fader, we will use logic DHD (Logic Function) which makes an AND between the level detect and the fader start, so the number generated by the console will be (according to this doc) between 931 and 1080. 931 for the first logical and 1080 for the last one.
However, these numbers will usually be different between each DHD console and each installation. This customization will be a side multicam to assign the correct number to each microphone.
For example the Logic Function having the number 8 (ie 8th in the list of the logic function) will have for code 938. This means that if the Logic Function having the number 8 it will be necessary to put the number 938 in the logic ID of the microphone configured for this logic logic function, in our example the microphone 1.
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